In ancient times a demon named Zogdroman create a Dungeon to protect his treasure and army. This Dungeon had one particularity, it was cursed. Each time you entered in it each time it will get different. This cursed was imagined to prevent brave adventurers to raid the Dungeon and stole the treasure. But in reality that was the opposite, the adventurers were lazy of all ever know dungeons, and take this one has a new challenge, an every time changing challenge.
The adventurers reunite themselves and created the Adventurers Guild, a guild that will take care of making contact between the adventurers, and guide them to the Dungeon.
Zogdroman seeing that the adventurers are taking fun with his Dungeon, he decided to step up on the cursed, the Dungeon become out of time. You can’t know when you will arrive in the Dungeon, maybe you can encounter another group of adventurers in it. The demon does this hopping that greedy adventurers will fight themselves for treasure, and so adventurers become challengers of the Dungeon.